Insurance Guidelines
Are the costs of Tubal Reversal operation covered by Insurance?
Our Patient/Insurance co-ordinator without
Tubal Reversal Cost
A woman who has had a tubal ligation and now decides to become pregnant. has two primary choices:
Obstetrician and Gynecologists
Dr. Elsagav Shaham, MD, OBGYN is a doctor located in Los Angeles, CA, specialties include Gynecology, Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Dr. Elsagav Shaham, MD, OBGYN is a specialist in Gynecology and has been practicing medicine for more than 35 years. His accomplished surgical skills have allowed him to instruct microsurgical technique to physicians in training.
Dr. Elsagav Shaham specializes in minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Elsagav Shaham, MD, OBGYN has been at the forefront of minimally invasive surgery and has pioneered a number of procedures in including total laparoscopic hysterectomy
Life changes. You thought your family was complete, but now you want more children. Our goal is to help make your dream a reality through tubal reversal.
Tubal reversal is considered the most effective way to become pregnant after a tubal ligation. We can help you become pregnant for a fraction of the cost of in vitro fertilization and with only two visits for tubal reversal. And tubal reversal surgery can produce multiple successful pregnancies.
The doctor you choose is the most important factor in determining your tubal reversal success.Dr. Elsagav Shaham, MD, OBGYN has specialized in tubal reversals for over 30 years, performing thousands of tubal reversal procedures and achieving a very high success rate. His attention to detail and the specialized micro surgical tubal reversal training
Dr. Elsagav Shaham is sensitive to your feelings, perspectives and concerns and he treats all his patients with respect. You deserve special treatment from your doctor, and Dr. Elsagav Shaham, MD, OBGYN and his staff are committed to providing you with this personalized, quality care for your tubal reversal.
Our Success Rate for Tubal Reversal Procedures
Our success is similar to what has been quoted in the medical literature. Many of our patients inquire about our specific success rate. According to published well-designed studies the success rate of tubal reversal approaches 80%. We have not studied our success since most of our patients live elsewhere. The success rate of tubal reversal procedure depends on many factors including surgical technique, age of the patient, the method by which the tubes were tied, the egg quality, and ovarian function. Therefore, despite the best surgical methodology, success cannot be guaranteed since there are so many other factors involved in achieving a normal pregnancy
Insurance Guidelines
Are the costs of Tubal Reversal operation covered by Insurance?
We accept a variety of insurance carriers and plans. If after Tubal Ligation Procedure
for example you are having menstrual irregularities, hair loss, headaches, hemorrhage
, pain any of these symptoms discuss it with doctor. Your Insurance could cover
medically necessary portion of your procedure.
You may submit information regarding your insurance carrier to our
Patient/Insurance coordinator department. Our staff without cost
to you will verify your insurance coverage and determine if your insurance covers
the procedure.
Tubal Reversal Center
Los Angeles
3367 W 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90004
You can always call us at
Office Hours: M-F 9:30am-5:00pm
Blood Lab Locations:
We accept a variety of insurance carriers and plans. Your Insurance could cover medically necessary portion of your procedure. For example if u have had headaches, pain, haemorrhage, menstrual irregularities, hair loss after tubal ligation procedure. If you have any of these symptoms be sure to discuss it with our care consultant and doctor.
In our Surgical Center compare to number of other Surgical Center we prefer General Anesthesia , in which case you'll sleep through the entire operation and do not feel any pain.